From Proactive to Reactive: Three Resources to Check Out Now

From Proactive to Reactive: Three Resources to Check Out Now

It's World Productivity Day today!

Everything we do at Steph Pase Planners is centred on helping you switch your daily life from reactive, to proactive. If you're feeling overwhelmed, and like you just can't get on top of your to-do list, you're not alone. Let's be honest, managing a home, family, work, exercise, friends, time for yourself... it's a bloody hard juggle! 

To get you started in taking back control, we've rounded up three things to listen to, read and download today. 

  1.  LISTEN to 'How I set my month up for success'
    In this Stephing Up podcast episode, I take you through how I actually do a monthly reset, and start my month with clear intentions for the month ahead. 
    Listen now on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

  2. WATCH the 'Mid-Year Reset for Messy Minds'.
    It's not too late to finish the year feeling good. My latest how-to video will help you clear the clutter in your mind and realign your goals, let go of the guilt of unmet expectations and lean into a happier you over the next six months.
    Watch now on Youtube.

  3. DOWNLOAD the 'Transform from Reactive to Proactive' worksheet.
    I've put together a handy cheat sheet of practical tools and steps you can use to pause, prioritise and stay focused on what actually needs to get done first.
    Download now.

 You've got this!